White chocolate & raspberry swiss roll


4 large, free range eggs
110g caster sugar 
110g self raising flour 
1tsp vanilla extract 
400g white chocolate 
160ml double cream 
50g icing sugar 
250g raspberries 
Freese dried raspberries 

    Step 1: Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F and line a swiss roll tin/ baking tray. In a large bowl whisk the eggs, caster sugar and vanilla extract together until thick and gloss. Gradually sift the flour into the mixture and gently fold in, add 100g of the raspberries and transfer to the swiss roll tin.

Step 2: Cook for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown. Once removed from the oven leave to cool slightly, then gently roll up and leave until completely cool (This will make it easier to roll later and avoid any cracks). Meanwhile, melt 200g of the white chocolate and evenly spread onto a baking tray, sprinkle some of the freeze-dried raspberries on top and place into a freezer until solid.

Step 4 : Melt the remaining white chocolate and in a separate saucepan heat the double cream. Pour the cream over the melted chocolate leave for 2 minutes then whisk together, sift in the icing sugar and leave to cool. Using a pestle and mortar or just a potato masher and gently mash 100g of raspberries (alternatively you can use raspberry jam). 

 Step 5: Once the cake has cooled spread a thin layer of ganache on the sponge and top with the mashed raspberries. Then roll the swiss roll up removing the baking parchment gently as you go.  Remove the chocolate from the freezer and using a knife, firmly glide of the chocolate to make chocolate shavings.

Step 6: Finally, spread the remaining ganache over the swiss roll and sprinkle on the shavings. Finally, top with the remaining raspberries and serve. 

Hope you enjoy this recipe!


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