Stuffed aubergine

Happy 2020 everyone! It's the time of year where everyone has been indulging over the Christmas period and has made new year resolutions to be healthier. So here's a super easy and delicious recipe that you need to try! 


1 Aubergine 
1 Onion 
2 Cloves of garlic
1 tbsp Tomato puree 
50g Buckwheat 
20g Black olives 
1 tsp mixed herbs 
Feta cheese 
Pomegranate seeds 

Step 1: Preheat an oven to 180°C, cut the aubergine in half and score then place in an oven proof dish. Drizzle with olive oil and season well with salt, pepper and a pinch of mixed herbs and bake for 25- 30 minutes. 

Step 2 : While the aubergine is cooking add the buckwheat to 150ml of water and boil until all the water has been absorbed. Remove from the heat and use a fork to fluff it up. Meanwhile finely chop the onion and garlic and sweat off in a pan, then add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, sliced olives, the remaining mixed herbs and salt and pepper. Let this simmer for 20 minutes until it has thickened up. 

Step 3: Add the tomato sauce to the buckwheat and mixed until all combined. Then add the juice of half a lime and some roughly chopped mint. 

Step 4: Heat up a griddle pan and remove the aubergine from the oven. Once the pan is searing hot carefully place in the aubergine and cook until lightly charred on each side. You can skip this step but it does add a really nice flavour to the final dish.

Step 5 : Scoop out about two thirds of the aubergine and add to buckwheat and tomato mixture. Stuff the buckwheat mixture into the aubergine and transfer the aubergine to a plate. Finally, sprinkle over the feta cheese, pomegranate seeds and some chopped mint and serve with a lime wedge. 

We hope you like this recipe, it tastes amazing so you should defiantly give it a go and let us know what you think!


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